Как организовать шкафы в ванной?

Ванная комната

Is your bathroom cabinet bursting with a jumbled mess of half-used bottles and boxes? Restoring order to the chaos creates both functional space and a calming oasis right in your own home. 

  • Categorize wisely based on use frequency
  • Measure to select well-sized organizers
  • Assign consistent homes to like items
  • Maintain with regular quick clean-outs.

Follow these simple tips to tackle even the most crammed cabinets with smarter storage systems. Your new organized bathroom will soon be a reality.

Categorize Contents 

The first step is taking everything out so you can group like items together. Assess frequently used products versus occasional items, outdated products to discard, and duplicates or excessive stock to remove. Box up seasonal products as well.

Designate areas for major categories:

  • Self-care: skin, hair, dental, makeup
  • Medications: prescription, OTC meds, first aid
  • Cleaning: cleansers, tools, disposables

Consider subcategories too – all oral products together, styling items grouped, etc. This streamlines finding what you need.

How To Improve Space Utilization?

Here are a few approaches to improve space utilization by organising bathroom cabinets:

1. Evaluate Storage Solutions 

Measure your emptied cabinets to fit organizing tools like:

  • Shelving: better visibility and access.
  • Stackable bins/baskets: corral small bathroom vanities.
  • Hanging storage: utilizes door space for bulkier bottles or Tools.
  • Drawer inserts/dividers: compartments for bandages, razors.

Multi-tiered risers, removable trays, hanging racks and other specialized tools also save space while neatly arranging contents.

2. Sized Right Storage 

Scale storage items appropriately to eliminate wasted gaps while preventing overfilling. For example:

  • Narrow bins for compact spaces.
  • Low-profile organizers under cabinets.
  • Expanding shelf adjusts to changing needs.

Customizable modular storage[1] combines cubes and components to perfectly fit any cabinet configuration.

3. Establish Homes for Items 

Now return categories of items into their new “homes” in cabinets according to frequency of use. Most used go at eye or hand level for convenient access. Assign consistent homes to help household members stay organized too.

Also, store items from multiple family members together in shared spaces. For example, everybody’s toothpaste on one shelf. This prevents duplicate purchases from not checking first.

4. Ease of Maintenance 

Simplify upkeep by selecting storage materials that easily wipe clean like water-resistant woven bins. Glass, metal and acrylic inserts also resist moisture, mold and grime build-up prevalent in humid bathroom environments.

Routine clean-outs every couple months ensure everything still has a proper home. Remove expired products, unused hotel freebies, worn tools, etc. Reassess needs, adjust organizational tools, and do some re-categorizing if certain areas get sloppy again. Consistent maintenance prevents backsliding into clutter!

5. Achieve Bathroom Bliss

Wangel Bathroom cabinet

Reclaim order and efficiency in your bathrooms by finally organizing those messy cabinets from top to bottom. Thoroughly purge contents, install smart storage systems sized for the space, categorize wisely, assign consistent homes, and routinely tidy up.

The return on investment is huge — no more chaotic rummaging for what you need. Just peace, harmony and pride resulting from your new oasis of organization.


Get organized and reclaim your bathroom space. Visit Вангель to find customized storage solutions to neatly categorize all your supplies. Conquer even the most chaotic cabinets with their bathroom organizers for a clutter-free, Zen-like oasis.

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